Bitte um Interpret und Text?
2007-05-13 23:45:29 UTC
Hai, in Spiderman 3 singt Kirsten Dunst am Schluss das Lied "I'm through with love". Ich wollte schon immer wissen, wer der Originalinterpret ist bzw. welche Coverversionen es gibt. Ich weiß noch nicht mal, ob das der Titel ist....Auf dem Soundtrack ist es mit dem Titel nicht drauf und man kann auch nicht reinhören.

Kann mir jemand helfen? Danke schön!
Einer antworten:
2007-05-13 23:58:36 UTC
Vermutlich Marilyn Monroe.

Wenn es der Text ist:

I'll never fall again

Said adieu to love

Don't ever call again

For I must love you or no one

And so I'm through with love

I've locked my heart

I'll keep my feelings there

I've stocked my heart

with icy,frigid air

And I mean to care for no one

Because I'm through with love

Why did you lead me

To think you could care?

You didn't need me

For you had your share

of slaves around you

To hound you and swear

with deep emotion and devotion to you

Goodbye to spring and all it meant to me

It can never bring the thing that used to be

For I must have you or no one

And so I'm through with love

I'm through with love

Baby I'm through with love

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